The demand for maids and nannies are increasing day by day in UAE. Working parents with children and even locals hire housemaid in Dubai to make life a bit more comfortable and also to reduce the burden of daily chores. So, if you are planning on sponsoring a housemaid, there are certain procedures which need to be done.
A maid’s visa can be obtained by the head of the family (called sponsor, and usually the male), whose salary is not less than AED 20000 a month + accommodation. Bachelors are not eligible to sponsor a maid.
The following processes and documents are required for sponsoring a maid and obtaining Visa:
- Original Emirates ID of Sponsor
- Passport &Visa Copy of Sponsor
- Employment Contract sponsor copy(if from free zone, salary certificate from free zone authority required)
- Trade license with partner
- MOA(only for sponsors having partner visa)
- Valid Ejari (House)/Title Deed Sponsor copy/NOC of the company (In Arabic)
- 3 Months bank statement sponsor copy
- Wife passport & Visa copy
- Marriage Certificate attested copy
- Passport copy & Photo of Applicant(Sponsored)
- Salary details of maid
- open sponsorship file(Only new resident need to pay)
- If sponsor and maid from the same country, then no relation certificate from the Embassy have to take(sponsor and wife)
2. CHANGE STATUS (Only if the person is already inside the country)
- Original Emirates ID of Sponsor
- Passport copy of sponsored
- Old visa of sponsored(Cancelled visa/Tourist visa/Visit visa)
- New Entry permit of sponsored
After change status or Entry visa can proceed for medical & Emirates Id.
- Original passport needs at the Medical Centre
- Entry Permit
- Change status
- 2 pcs of photo with white background
- Original passport
- Entry Permit
- Change status
- Old Emirates ID
- Mobile Number
- PO Box
Please advise the client if required biometric fingerprint.
- Original EID of sponsor
- Original passport of Applicant (Sponsored)
- Entry Permit
- Medical Result
- Emirates ID form with biometric if required
- Passport& Visa copy of the sponsor
- Employment Contract copy of the sponsor
- Valid Ejari(House)Copy of sponsor
- 3 months bank statement copy of the sponsor
- Marriage certificate attested copy
- Birth certificate attested copy
- Insurance:Basic Plan/Orient
If you require further information on the process and requirements, please visit Arabian Business Centre, typing Centre in Dubai for hassle-free Amer, Tas-Heel and Tadbeer services. For more information, check our website www.arabianme.ae or call us on +043256111.